Rare Breeds and Pancakes

Feb 27 2017

Have you been watching Rare Breed on TV3 on Tuesdays at 7.30pm? Here's a chance to catch up on a recent episode (7th February) its the April edition as the series follows 12 farms around Ireland throughout the farming year. Our Siobhan and Petru are on from about 2mins 15 seconds!


Other episodes are available on the TV3 player

Don't forget tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday and officially the tastiest day of the year and heres a few ideas for you pancakes and to whet your appetite!

+Caramelised apple slices,  St Tola and thyme leaves

+Onion marmalade, St Tola and pepery rocket leaves

+Blackberry chutney, crumbled up cooked black pudding and St Tola

+Honey, butter fried pear slices, lots of freshly ground black pepper and St Tola

Our farm shop will be opening this Wednesday from 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday. If you want to call to the farm at the weekend there will be someone there from 10 to 12 noon only (no Bank Hols!) Our full range of cheeses are available as well as raw and pasteurised milk. 

Yum Yum!