Environmental Policy
Code of Practice for Sustainable Tourism
Environmental Policy Statement
Revised January 2024
Inagh Farmhouse Cheese Ltd is a company dedicated to producing artisan goat cheese through sustainable farming and production methods. We also offer a unique tourist experience through our farm tours. We tailor all tours to suit visitors ages and abilities.
In all our endeavours we are striving to minimize our impact that we have on the local and global environment. Our management plan outlines the steps that we have already taken and also the plans that we have for reducing further usage of energy, waste, water and impact on the environment.
We are fully committed to respecting and implementing the Geopark Sustainable Code of Practice for Tourism. This awareness is highlighted to all our staff, visitors and suppliers.
Working Together
We collaborate with all stakeholders to collectively develop the Geopark as a sustainable tourism destination. We attend as much training and networking events as possible throughout the year as as well as participating with sub groups such as the Marketing Group and the Burren Food Trail.
A cared-for landscape
We actively participate in conserving our natural and cultural heritage.
We take part in beach clean ups and we have adopted a the Leave no Trace principles throughout the business.
o All farming is done in a responsible and sustainable manner.
o All fertilisers are natural and produced on site.
o 20 Apple trees have been planted in our site to encourage bees.
o .5 acre of willow has been planted to offset our carbon footprint and to encourage drainage on the land.
o Bird boxes have been put up on our sheds to encourage more birds
o We promote conservation and responsible farming in all our tours
o We host public tours and open days every year.
A well-understood heritage
We offer quality information and interpretation to communicate our stories and the unique character of our place to guests.
• The Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark – Information and Interpretation
o Information about the Burren and Cliffs of Moher will be displayed and provided in our interpretive centre.
o All staff have a good working knowledge of the local area and then environment delicacy of the Geopark and are encouraged to pass on this information to visitors.
o We hold a cards/leaflets/maps and information on all the business in BEN
o We provide books on heritage and landscape in the local area for customers to look through while they are here
o Staff training is encouraged regarding the landscape and heritage of the Burren area
Vibrant Communities
We work to ensure that tourism makes a positive social contribution so that it benefits our community as well as our guests.
We host regular public tours and events on site to provide education around farming and conservation.
Strengthened Livelihoods
We contribute to the local economy by maintaining and supporting local employment, by sourcing services and produce locally wherever possible, and by engaging with other businesses in promoting our region as a sustainable tourism destination.
70% of our purchases are from local suppliers.
Our staff numbers are 6 in the off season and increases to 8 in the peak season and at Christmas.
We promote local business to all the tourists visiting.
Sustainable tourism management
We work to an Environmental Action Plan, which includes actions and targets for improvement that are reviewed annually. We have effective systems for monitoring and adequately managing our waste, water, wastewater, energy, travel impact and purchases.
o All farming is done in a responsible and sustainable manner.
o All fertilisers are natural and produced on site.
o 20 Apple trees have been planted in our site to encourage bees.
o .5 acre of willow has been planted to offset our carbon footprint and to encourage drainage on the land.
o Bird boxes have been put up on our sheds to encourage more birds
o We promote conservation and responsible farming in all our tours
o We host public tours and open days every year.
• Energy
We try to keep our energy usage output to a minimum in all areas of production, farming and tourism.
We are dedicated to producing 80% of our own energy on site here on the farm by 2027.
We will have installation of 49 solar panels in spring 2024, this will reduce our energy bill and environmental impact.
• Use solar panels for heating some of our water.
• Use new solar panels sourced in 2015 to generate 5% of our electricity.
• We will have installation of 49 solar panels in spring 2024, this will reduce our energy bill and environmental impact.
• Turn off all electrical items at source when not in use.
• Have insulated the attic.
• Have filled the cavity walls.
• Have purchased a portable electricity monitor to monitor our consumption.
• Run dishwashers and washing machines only at capacity.
• Have recently purchased an energy efficient boiler (2019) that will run from Bio LPG. This will replace a combination of electricity and oil.
• Have conducted a recent energy audit in 2021.
• We have upgraded all light bulbs throughout the entire house to energy efficient bulbs.
• Staff trained in how to recognise and eliminate phantom loads.
• Installation of pvc strip curtains on all fridges (4 large fridges on the premises which according to a recent audit account for 70% of all electricity consumed)
Future Improvements
• We are dedicated to producing 80% of our own energy on site here on the farm by 2027.
We will have installation of 49 solar panels in spring 2024, this will reduce our energy bill and environmental impact.
• Water
o We have monthly water checks, which is compared to production output and anomalies as are investigated.
o All staff are training in water management.
o All clean down uses specified amount of water.
o Where appropriate taps are fitted with flow restrictors
o All WC have water usage reduced.
o Rainwater harvesting for farm wash down purposes has been implemented.
Future Improvements
• Exploratory digging has been completed in order to dig our own well (2019)
• This has not been successful, but it is an ongoing project.
• Waste
o All products that are the by-product of farming and production are treated on site in our custom-built aeration tank under the supervision of the University of Limerick
o We recycle or up cycle or reuse all paper, glass, cardboard, glass, plastic and tin cans.
o All organic products are recycled on site or composted on-site
o All equipment purchased is high quality to ensure a long life.
o Compostable towels are now in use throughout the premises both in the cheese house and the farm.
Future improvements
• We will review our waste management programme on annual basis.
• Sustainable Transport
o The company employs 7 full time staff.
70% of staff walk or cycle to work.
• The other staff are encouraged to car –pool where possible
• We use central distribution to large supermarket chains and wholesalers.
• Local deliveries are on set days so only one trip needs to be made per week.
• 10% discount will be offered to all visitors that arrive to the farm by bicycle.
• Green purchasing
o 90% of our inputs are produced on site (milk!)
o 85% of green fodder (grass, haylage) for our animals is produced on site.
o Pellet ration in purchased in bulk to minimise transport impact and from a company (HASTINGS) with a responsible attitude to sustainability.
o All packaging from ESSENTRA and CAVAN BOX packaging is produced in the most environmentally sensitive way
o Change packaging to green /recycled/biodegradable packaging as it becomes available on the market. Since 2019, we have replaced hand towels with biodegradable towels, buy an number of our bulk boxes as second hand and we have replaced our plastic vacuum bags with a bio/eco alternative. We have replace our plastic packing tape with a biodegradable alternatives
o Change packaging to green /recycled/biodegradable packaging as it becomes available on the market. Since 2019, we have replaced hand towels with biodegradable towels, buy an number of our bulk boxes as second hand and we have replaced our plastic vacuum bags with a bio/eco alternative. We have replace our plastic packing tape with a biodegradable alternative and we are reducing an commonly used box here at 143g to 59g by reducing size and cardboard weight.
o Purchasing targets: 28% of our purchases are either, eco, organic or recycled. We hope to increase this % to 35% by 2026
St Tola Goats Cheese are committed to taking the following action; -
To continue sustainable environmental practices across our entire operation –
To produce an annual Environmental Plan setting out our Objectives, Targets and planned Actions - To comply fully with all relevant legislation –
To minimise our waste and reduce our water consumption where possible –
To reduce, Reuse, Recycle the resources consumed by our business wherever practical –
To invite our customers, suppliers and contractors to participate in our efforts to protect the environment –
To provide all employees with the training and resources required to meet our objectives –
To openly communicate our policies and practices to interested parties –
To monitor and record our environmental impacts on a regular basis and compare our performance with our policies, objectives and target