Waiting for Spring
St Tola are hosting a great event with the Ennis Book Club Festival here on Sunday 6th March at 2pm, cooking demonstration and chatting with Rory O'Connell from Ballymaloe Cookery School and Jess Murphy from Kai restaurant in Galway and of course delicious St Tola Cheese! This event is bound to sell out quickly so please log onto: https://bit.ly/34mUu5g and book your tickets!
We know lots of you out there really love St Tola Cheese! We ask at the moment that you bear with us if you are finding it a little tricky to get our cheese in the shops. Our goats are due to kid in the next 2 weeks; by the beginning of March we will have a much better flow of milk and thus lots more cheese. Until then, please be patient and we will be back to normal very soon!