Why should we be eating raw milk cheeses? Many of our customers ask about the very important topic of raw milk and raw milk cheeses. We were recently sent this interesting article by Neals Yard Dairy in London. They have been champions of Raw Milk cheeses for decades and incredible supporters of... Read full article.
Saint Tola Farmhouse Cheese
Internationally recognised St Tola Goat Cheese, is delicious, really good for you, and is founded upon local sustainable farming.
See every step of the process and hear from Siobhán and from our herd of goats in this video.
Look out for our much loved St Tola Log or our newer cheeses in your local good retailer, or order online.
What else is new at St. Tola?
We were really delighed this week to have a visit from some of the chefs from Lignm Restaurant in Galway this week. Head chef, Danny and chefs Lavinia and Andrea were joined by their friend Danato to tour our cheesehouse, the goat sheds and miking parlour and of course get to taste our milk,... Read full article.
Siobhán was delighted to be invited along with two other Irish female cheesemakers (Sarah from Cashel Blue and Theresa from Kylemore cheese) to speak as part of the St. Brigid Days celebrations in Lyons & Dijon in France at the end of January.The event was being organised by the Consulate... Read full article.